Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship


The Healing Power of Nature

This Sunday service is a talk with Lety Seibel and Tamarack Song, founders of the Healing Nature Center in Three Lakes.

Inspired by the nature-based healing practices of indigenous people and contemporary research findings on nature’s healing powers, the Healing Nature Center and Trail are designed to foster nature-based physical and emotional healing. The Center and Trail grew out of requests for a quiet, inspiring place for walking meditation, self-discovery, reconnecting with nature, and retreat space. Therapists have been seeking a supportive place to work with clients in nature, and the Trail-Center complex has been created to meet their special needs as well as the general public’s.

Much more information about the center and their work can be found on their website,

Video 1: Remarks By Lety Seibel and Tamarack Song
Video 2: Tour of the Healing Nature Trail By Troy Ozuna

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